Hungry?: For all the few who dont know about Wes Fif, please intoduce the Infamous Wes Fif. (All about you, state, etc.)
WF: Man you already know what it is, I need little to no introduction but for those who unfamiliar this ya big homey Wes Fif outta Orlando, FL. Been doin this shit since 03, the hottest nigga in Florida, the movement is here. You mighta seen me in any one of your favorite magazines or heard me on "Haterz Everywhere" with the homey Bobby Ray (B.O.B.).
Hungry?: Well first off man you got more underground credit than most major label artist's, but why no deal?
WF: Man really I guess what they say is true, it's all about timing. I think the time is near. We been doin this shit w/o no deal for years, so we used to it, we just gone grind and do what's in our power to do until the "higher ups" wise up. I think my situation will change in that regard very soon though. Shout out to the label that had me but lost me, no hard feelings, everybody makes mistakes.
Hungry?: Well at your position in the game wtf are you still hungry for, being you can do without the majors?
WF: Im hungry to get my just due dawg. Im not going to be happy until Im a household name, until people as a whole appreciate what I've done and what I'm doing. Im hungry to get into the position to where I can put my team on, to where me and my team will be a household name like other labels.
Hungry?: Do you do all your own marketing and online marketing?
WF: Partially, it's done for the most part by my long time friend/brother & co-manager Leon Bailey. He handles the bulk of that, he's a blessing to me for real. Then my dude DJ Young Legend is a fool with it as well. He's the next go-to DJ, watch for him. That's it in a nutshell. I have a good relationship with quite a few influential bloggers/web cats as well, all that contributes along with Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Hungry?: why no shows in the midwest lol?
WF: Lol, Im trying to get to it my dawg, tell those DJs up there to get on that Wes Fif wave and we'll make it happen asap. Im startin to get plugged in that area, like in Ohio and Michigan especially. So look out for that soon.
Hungry?: We wanna know whats your next move? Being you have damn near captured the underground scene any plans whats your mainstream move?
WF: We have a few things bubbling right now as far as crossing over into that mainstream, nothing concrete yet but hopefully something pans out. Once I do though, Im NOT letting up, its going to be hell to pay. Me and my team are geared up and ready for that oppurtunity to get with a bigger machine that believes in the movement that I am. The day that happens, expect monumental things to happen, both in your face and behind the scenes.
Hungry?: Here in the midwest the art and music scene go hand and hand, whats the souths like?
WF: Basically the same, the south is so diverse though. Florida is nothing like Georgia, Georgia is nothing like Texas, Texas aint like Lousiana, and so on. So in every state its different things going on, but you can say the same for the South for the most part.
Hungry?: whats ur plans with the whole game being all mp3 out now. Can you set a goal for the digital market cause thats whats where the music game is now?
WF: Yeah I already have tapped into that market with "Im Tellin Ya" with the digital downloads/ringtones. I have digital distribution set up for my imprint via WordOfSouth Ent and InGrooves. That's definitely something that I encourage everyone who's in this game or considering jumping into the game to learn about, its here and it's not going anywahere anytime soon. The internet in itself is a cost effective platform to reach the masses, it just has to be utilized correctly.
Hungry?: Thanks for the interview any last words and shout outs, etc.?
WF: First of all thank yall for this oppurtunity it is appreciated more than you know. Few things goin on, "Im Tellin Ya" available on ALL digital platforms, please take the time out to purchase that, also available on ALL cell phone carriers. Me and DJ Young Legend have a mixtape called "Loud Pack" floating around that we did for 4/20, I provided yall with the link to DL that free of charge. Uh my next project "Street Fame" a mixtape is on the way, followed by "Flight Risk" the digital album. Be on the look out for my whole Street Smart music empire cause we here, and we're not leaving. Shout out to everybody down with the movement, if you'r not down it's not too late, lets get it. Anyone looking to get in touch can hit , talk business or dont talk. Florida I got us, once again thank yall.
Also any advice or tips?
Stay true to yourself, dont let nobody tell you you cant do something. Fuck the haters, keep it coming!!!
Link to the "Loud Pack" mixtape: