Hungry?: Who are you and tell us about yourself.
A-Boogiano: I am Adam "A-Boogiano" Bowman, a young entrepreneur born and raised in Milwaukee,WI. Art has always been something that I've always done, I started with drawing since a very young age. Back in high school I realized that there aren't a lot of good paying jobs drawing. So i began teaching myself Adobe Photoshop & Premiere after I had one A/V class in school, and since 1999 or so I worked on different crafts influenced by Art: graphic design, photography. Over time these things influenced my progress as a film maker, director and graphic designer. Check us out V.I.B.E.S. Multimedia & Marketing. VibesMultimedia.com
Hungry?:What are you hungry for, why and how u going end your hunger?
A-Boogiano:The things that I'm hungry for is success and support. Slowly over time I'm been reaching that. But success a lot of times is measured by your sacrifices. There weren't a lot of people around me that supported my career in video production and film maker. I believe that most importantly that you have to believe that youre the best at what you do and you'll be the best. Grant it that its not going to happen over night. Confidence is truley something that can make you or can break you. In order to end the hunger you have to fill up, I like to eat so that what I'm going to do, eat til' I cant eat anymore. For my industry theres always something new coming out and I have to stay on my grind. Your thought create your reality, so if you think you're going to you are; if you think you're going to get fired at work you will, so get your game up. I know I was working at a job for almost 5yrs that I hated, even though it paid well, I came into work one day and left early with my box of stuff going home. it was a wake up call, thats when I started doing video production full-time. I got a million stories and its only right that I get started on these short films I need to do, because this isn't a hobby for me, this is my profession and I'm still hungry.
Hungry?:Your most succesful project(s) and brief history of accomplishments.
A-Boogiano: 2008 Soft Bottom Magazine - Art Director, Director of Photography & Video Prod.
2008 Music Video "We Glazin'" - Stackin Cheeze (Producer/Director/Editor)
2008 Music Video "I'm Jackin" - Ray Rizzy (Producer/Director/Editor)
2007 Music Video "Wild Midwest" - PRID3 (Producer/Director/Editor)
2007 Music Video "Brew City" - Lace (Producer/Director)-Unreleased
Hungry?: What is your role in your city/community and How do you support it?
A-Boogiano:I've always supported local artists and people that are making things happen. Everybody needs a support system and encouarement to keep doing what they're doing, whether its working a 9-5 or pushing their own business. We have to support one another and keep money in our community and small businesses. Some people just support their friends and thats it. At V.I.B.E.S. Multimedia we create videos and graphics and provide professional cd/dvd duplication for the community we do business in.
Hungry?:What do you feel is needed to help end some of the straving in your city and will u contribute and how?
A-Boogiano:Thats a good question and a lot of people might have their own recipe. Some affiliates and myself put together a event together called WE RUN MKE Pt.1 & Pt.2, which provided a outlet for artist to be heard and to network. But like the old school quote, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it". I guess you have to be out here, very grind, especially going out of the city into other state & doing this frequently cus' 'The World Is World is Watchin'. So i think I can say I have been contributing. Shout out to DeVon D., Ray Nitti, Ray Rizzy, HK, Streetz and Young Dueces, DJ L-Boogie, DJ Infotek, Willie Shakes, The A-Team, and anyone going hard and my myspace/facebook friend list.
Hungry?: How do you feel about your city nightlife, art scene, music and entertainment and what's needed?
A-Boogiano:The nightlife is very mediocre a lot of the power at be, in the city government, don't want club accomidating the urban crowd, rap, hip hop, r&b, especially downtown. There are still events that go on at bars or smaller spots like Sose doing the One Shot event at Quarters or Beat battle at Jackaloupe, I many not go out to a lot of event but I tend to know about them. Then you got clubs like Rain, Questions, Onyx, & 618 that have a larger capacity where promoter can bring Major artists to do shows. We just had Bobby Valentino at the Onyx for Soft Bottom Magazine's casting call, it went down that night. People were talking about it even days after the party. But Milwaukee's problem is that its still segregated, a lot of people never cross them bridges from the south side to the north side, instead they go around them. But it is what it is, I guess. As far as the Art scene, I'm not too sure how strong that market is; shout out to Julian & Adam Correa who have done an incredible amount of mural for businesses and dope pieces for private clients, places like Jokerz Comedy Club, Boulder Junction and the Latin Community Center. Also malcomb McCrae whos an veteran in the Airbrush Art genre. There is most definitely talent here. I was into graffiti art for a good decade I'd say which culturally help envole me into the artist I am today. You have to entertain yourself most of the time in the city because we're still convidered a towne, but we do have over 1/2 million people in Milwaukee. There are a lot of people moving to Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, etc to find better living I guess; you dont have to move but I do encourage traveling. I always appreciate this city after I been outta town for a while. We need more leaders here, create your own wave & ride out!
Well there you go people, some inside scoop on the midwest "Upcoming Video/Movie Director" A-Boogiano. Please subscribe because Part 2 will be a video interview, it's something you don't want to miss, he will be giving up some good game, Plus footage of milwaukee streets......to be continued