Fly Union - "Gold Chain" (On Credit) from Eighty81 on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
New iphone....yes we know about everything

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Little Hoodlums ........

Hey You have to love these collectibles, would you buy these? Hey bout time some doll maker is catering to the urban market. Lol, Lmfao, would love to see what Toys R US selling these.

Send in your pics of you with your favorite doll. Lol
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Punk Rock Flash Back
The Violent Femmes, formed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1980, and they are an American alternative rock band, noted for laying the groundwork for folk punk. Many of you might not know or remember them but these guys made a major impact and name for themsevles being from a little town called "Milwaukee". Big ups, Midwest Stand up.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Skate board P........................

Recently Pharrell went to do a tattoo removal procedures to remove is patented tattoos on his arms that everyone had grown to love. The procedure took 4 hours and only removes most of the tattoo. It is still a chance that the pattern of the tattoos will show up forcing Pharrell to go back not once, but maybe twice to fully remove his tats.Eeee!
Hungry? Flash back Friday........
Hey this was what I thought college was going to be like as a child, lmfao.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
MKE Stand UP.......

Prophetic didn't actually expect to hear back from Pharrell Williams after he ran into him at a N.E.R.D. concert last fall and attempted to pass on his new CD, but against the odds a month later Prophetic received a call from Pharrell's people and, soon after, Pharrell himself. The Neptunes hit-maker has taken an active interest in the Milwaukee rapper, staying in touch and passing on his music to potential collaborators. Prophetic is now being sent beats from producers who have worked with Asher Roth and Kanye West's protégé Big Sean.
All this is potentially good news not only for Prophetic, but also his peers in the Umbrella Music Group (UMG), a collective of Milwaukee rap artists assembled with hopes of forming a record label. From its core trio of Royal Fam (Prophetic and fellow rappers Ka$h and Yo-Dot), UMG has swelled to include another trio, Misen Lync (Toine Jay, TKS and Maal Himself), the duo United Nations (rapper Meccah Maloh and producer Adlib), Tay Butler and former Black Elephant rapper Dameon Ellzey.
In a rap scene that has historically been more competitive than collaborative, the UMG roster is sharing shows and serving as each other's street team, promoting, for instance, Tay Butler's latest album for him while he's away, sidelined by service in Iraq. They also share a Web site,, where they host their latest mix tapes, like this March's The Leak, a free download that compiled a daily track from UMG affiliates for three weeks. Though the UMG rappers are wide-ranging, the mix reveals their shared vision for smart hip-hop without the didactic grandstanding that sours so much conscious rap.
Prophetic's debut album, Mo Profit, Mo Progress, was the first release given UMG's full promotional push, and with sweeping flashes of jazz and soul and Prophetic's voracious flow, which suggests both Jay-Z's calm poise and Lupe Fiasco's wide-eyed warmth, it made quick waves in Milwaukee, where it was greeted with widespread accolades and welcome radio play. UMG is running with the album's momentum, with hopes that it opens doors for the rest of the crew.
"Right now we're pushing Prophetic, because he's hot right now and making waves outside the city," Ka$h explains. "As they say in basketball, he's the front man, so we're going to keep giving him the spotlight."
Prophetic continues the basketball analogy.
"It's like with the Lakers, where Kobe may be the one who scores 30 points a game, but if we win the championship, everybody gets the ring," he says. "A win is a win for all of us."
A scheduled write-up in The Source this summer could further increase Prophetic's profile, but by far the biggest pot on his stove is Pharrell's interest, though it presents a potential quandary for the Milwaukee rapper. Should Pharrell's connections somehow lead to a record deal-a big if, to be sure-Prophetic isn't sure he'd even be interested.
"If the talk ever came to them offering me a deal, there'd have to be something in my contract that let me continue what I'm doing with UMG, since owning a business to me is almost as important to me as making music," he says. "It's really part of who I am."
UMG plays a 10 p.m. show at the Stonefly Brewery on Friday, May 1, with Streetz & Young Deuces and Born Brothers.
Hey I love to see these dude making a way for they self.
FLI Pelican X Yeezy Tee Release......

The Release is Saturday, May 2nd @ only these locations BR x LDRS x SNKY. Gotta cop one of these fly tees for those Ye's if you can cope any. Super Limited.
Sneaker Freak....2000+...

Thank You.....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Lend Me Ya Ear.......

Hungry? Spotlight....Midwest whips.....
Hey too sad most of these guys are now doing that D-boy time. Hey the streets miss yall, but whats sad to say, but it's true, New ones will come and leave that's the d-boy life. One day they will get it, but hey can't knock the hustle. Hungry? ... Get a 9-5.
Hungry? UK Spotlight.....
Hungry?: Coraleena tell us about yourself?
Coraleena: I was actually born in the UK to West Indian parents. I lived a very sheltered life growing up "I was very sickly" and my
parents were considered "well off" because they owned their own home. (lol) I began singing in the Pentecostal Church where my mother was a pastor and I sang in the choir. We emigrated to the USA when I was 14. I returned to the UK and sang for a while until age 21 when I "retired" and returned to the USA.
Hungry?: Well first off I heard your music through a friend of mine a year ago when you did a track with a lady female rap artist, which was super dope. Tell me more about your history in this music game?
Coraleena: That track was my first collaboration with a rap artist. Mz Dyzihre is an excellent artist. She approached me and asked to work with her on the track "Smile". Five years ago, I returned to the UK and was in the studio with a US rapper who lives here in the UK named Jersey Villian. I started singing and before I knew it, I had recorded a cover version of "Wishing On A Star" A promoter heard it and the rest is history. He asked me to perform at a small show that was taking place in two weeks, except it wasn't a small show it was a large event with over 5,000 people!! It all snowballed from there, local radio stations started playing my music and its just been getting better and better.
Hungry?: Since R & B has been on a decline in the states other than Keshia cole, hows the uk?
Coraleena: R & B has also been on the decline in the UK. Its funny you mention Keisha Cole because my lyrics have been compared to hers (lol). I guess its the whole, man hurt woman thing.... The music industry has a way of packaging everyone and after a while it all begins to sound the same, so people became less interested. Keisha works because she is bringing something different to the table. In the UK we have Estelle. If you want to succeed in this industry you have to be able to stand out from the crowd.
Hungry? Since there is a big buzz for you in the UK, how do you plan to make that happen here in the US? Being the market here for r and b, music period here has been on a major slump?
Coraleena: I love the buzz!!! its amazing and I am just riding high right now. I just finished a show in Louisiana which was a huge success. I already have a following there as well as here, as I have been working both sides of the Atlantic for a while now. My music is being played on the mainstream and underground radio stations here in the UK. I am also being played over the net and on Shockout Radio in the States. I think will be able to make things happen in the States because I also bring something different to the table. R and B with a reggae flavor. I am different, I dont want to be like everyone else, and that I believe helps me.
Hungry?: any plans to work with any other Rap, R & B, Pop or Reggae artist thats here in the states?
Coraleena: I am working on a collaboration with a R and B artist in the States right now by the name of K.F.K. , I have already done a couple of collaborations with Rap Artists in the USA. One by the name of Kal, with a track called "Drama" which I wrote and another with an artist named Beastman called "Feeling You". I am hoping to work with some of the reggae artists there and am in negotiations with one artist who I will not name as yet, but its coming.

Hungry?: Also since you mainly live overseas, do you have a marketing team here in the states? Also are you with any label?
Coraleena: I have no marketing team in the States right now, I have been doing it all by myself, but its getting harder now, I am going to have to get some people in to help me. I recently signed with a label in the States named Moiko Records out of Atlanta and we just finished working on my first complete reggae album, also a compilation cd which I had the pleasure of being of the producers on for the label.
Hungry?: How is the music scene for independent music artists, fashion designers/brands, grafitti/street art scene? Whats the major diff since you live in both overseas and in the states?
Coraleena: As far as being independent, I believe its easier to make it in the UK than the USA. There are more opportunities and there is a great deal of funding to be had if you know how to work the system. The same can be said for fashion designers/brands etc. They are always looking for young people to invest in. As far as grafitti/street art is concerned, it is not so easy, the system is very much against it. I guess its a case of the UK still being old fashioned and stuck in their ways as far as street art is concerned.
Hungry?: Lifestyles how do they differ?
Coraleena: The way of life here in the UK is a great deal different to the USA. The USA is the land of opportunity, and everyman has a chance to make it there. Here it is very socialized, people rely on the system to help them get along, they really dont know how to do for themselves. Which means that even though opportunities are there, most dont know how to use it to their advantage.
Hungry?: What advice for a US music artist to break big in the uk music scene underground or major?
Coraleena: Use the Internet as much as possible. There are many sites where you can place your music for free. Take advantage of these sites, network with as many djs as you can. Dont wait to be approached, approach them, ask them if they are interested in your music. Work the underground music scene, that is where all the best new artists are coming from, not local radio stations, internet stations, and (underground radio stations) never stop pushing. Find the best artists in your ` field, and dont be afraid to ask them if they want to collaborate. Its surprising how many of them will work with an up and coming artist.
Hungry?: Hey any last words?
Coraleena: I just want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. Its hard but is not impossible to make it. You just have to bring something different to the table and that is what I have tried to do. Without the help of my sons, friends and the fans that have been there before I even had my first track played on the air, I would not have come this far. I feel really truly blessed.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Everyone Hates Chris......
Meet Chris Shields, born and raised in Maywood, IL. Product of a single parent home, but thanks to a strong woman Chris is here today. He started off as young charismatic prep basketball player and found himself in a place some might call the “Trap” as a small time hustler. Through out life Chris was always passionate about music and the release of the Blueprint by Jay-Z in 2001 brought out a hunger to rhyme. So young Chris would construct a flow he could call his own from sun up to down on the corner of 6th and Walnut while making a few dollars. As Chris continued to hustle and found himself falling deeper into the “Trap”, he smartened up and used his basketball skills to put himself through school. A basketball scholarship and education from one of the best Private institutions in the nation, Mckendree University, gave Chris time to reflect. Also gave him time to polish his flow. Upon completion of school in 2006 Chris headed back to Maywood ready to make his embark on a musical journey that would open the eyes of everyone in Chicago. But every path has its bumps and he sure had his. Fast forward to August 29th, 2007 when Chris recorded the 1st song, “Smiling Faces”, for his then untitled street album. The song caught the attention of a lot of ears and on September 30, 2007 he shot the video for it and the rest is history.
-Featured in National Magazine Hip Hop Weekly as Unsigned Hype (article attached)
- Opened up for Lupe Fiasco, Brandy, Alfamega, and Ray J
-Featured on Lebron James blog site twice in 2009
-On April 1 released Debut Street Album 'Lend Me Ya Ear'
-'Mack Down' was number #1 on DJ Timbuck2's Go-ill(All Chicago artists hour) segment on WGCI for 4 straight weeks
-'Mack Down' on May 17th 2008 Go-ill( beat out the likes of Kidz In The Hall 'Driving Down The Block' as the #1song of the week
-'Smiling Faces' also in rotation at WGCI
-Check out the Smiling Faces video at on you tube
Download Link for my album Lend Me Ya Ear -
Download Link for my mixtape Everybody Hates Chris -
Interview will be coming.....Midwest Stand Up......
Hungry? .....Music Artist's wanted........

Hey if your trying to break in a midwest city and get mad exposurer this is the right place. Yes, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, beleive this city gets down, lol.

The Rave/Eagles Club is a large part of the Midwest music community. If you are in a regional band,Rapper,etc. and want to keep up with the latest news and performance opportunities available at The Rave, sign up for their regional band email list! You'll be the first to hear of major concert announcements and opportunities to perform during preshow events for national acts and the rare coveted main stage opening slots! It has 6 different Stages inside there, lol. So it should also be going down.
Any artists no matter location should sign up!
Hungry? Vintage status.....
Do you remember this commercial,lol, Cause we dont just screwing around and found this, enjoy. Lmfao.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
10 mins with Mr."Im Tellin Ya"......
Hungry?: For all the few who dont know about Wes Fif, please intoduce the Infamous Wes Fif. (All about you, state, etc.)
WF: Man you already know what it is, I need little to no introduction but for those who unfamiliar this ya big homey Wes Fif outta Orlando, FL. Been doin this shit since 03, the hottest nigga in Florida, the movement is here. You mighta seen me in any one of your favorite magazines or heard me on "Haterz Everywhere" with the homey Bobby Ray (B.O.B.).
Hungry?: Well first off man you got more underground credit than most major label artist's, but why no deal?
WF: Man really I guess what they say is true, it's all about timing. I think the time is near. We been doin this shit w/o no deal for years, so we used to it, we just gone grind and do what's in our power to do until the "higher ups" wise up. I think my situation will change in that regard very soon though. Shout out to the label that had me but lost me, no hard feelings, everybody makes mistakes.
Hungry?: Well at your position in the game wtf are you still hungry for, being you can do without the majors?
WF: Im hungry to get my just due dawg. Im not going to be happy until Im a household name, until people as a whole appreciate what I've done and what I'm doing. Im hungry to get into the position to where I can put my team on, to where me and my team will be a household name like other labels.
Hungry?: Do you do all your own marketing and online marketing?
WF: Partially, it's done for the most part by my long time friend/brother & co-manager Leon Bailey. He handles the bulk of that, he's a blessing to me for real. Then my dude DJ Young Legend is a fool with it as well. He's the next go-to DJ, watch for him. That's it in a nutshell. I have a good relationship with quite a few influential bloggers/web cats as well, all that contributes along with Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Hungry?: why no shows in the midwest lol?
WF: Lol, Im trying to get to it my dawg, tell those DJs up there to get on that Wes Fif wave and we'll make it happen asap. Im startin to get plugged in that area, like in Ohio and Michigan especially. So look out for that soon.
Hungry?: We wanna know whats your next move? Being you have damn near captured the underground scene any plans whats your mainstream move?
WF: We have a few things bubbling right now as far as crossing over into that mainstream, nothing concrete yet but hopefully something pans out. Once I do though, Im NOT letting up, its going to be hell to pay. Me and my team are geared up and ready for that oppurtunity to get with a bigger machine that believes in the movement that I am. The day that happens, expect monumental things to happen, both in your face and behind the scenes.
Hungry?: Here in the midwest the art and music scene go hand and hand, whats the souths like?
WF: Basically the same, the south is so diverse though. Florida is nothing like Georgia, Georgia is nothing like Texas, Texas aint like Lousiana, and so on. So in every state its different things going on, but you can say the same for the South for the most part.
Hungry?: whats ur plans with the whole game being all mp3 out now. Can you set a goal for the digital market cause thats whats where the music game is now?
WF: Yeah I already have tapped into that market with "Im Tellin Ya" with the digital downloads/ringtones. I have digital distribution set up for my imprint via WordOfSouth Ent and InGrooves. That's definitely something that I encourage everyone who's in this game or considering jumping into the game to learn about, its here and it's not going anywahere anytime soon. The internet in itself is a cost effective platform to reach the masses, it just has to be utilized correctly.
Hungry?: Thanks for the interview any last words and shout outs, etc.?
WF: First of all thank yall for this oppurtunity it is appreciated more than you know. Few things goin on, "Im Tellin Ya" available on ALL digital platforms, please take the time out to purchase that, also available on ALL cell phone carriers. Me and DJ Young Legend have a mixtape called "Loud Pack" floating around that we did for 4/20, I provided yall with the link to DL that free of charge. Uh my next project "Street Fame" a mixtape is on the way, followed by "Flight Risk" the digital album. Be on the look out for my whole Street Smart music empire cause we here, and we're not leaving. Shout out to everybody down with the movement, if you'r not down it's not too late, lets get it. Anyone looking to get in touch can hit , talk business or dont talk. Florida I got us, once again thank yall.
Also any advice or tips?
Stay true to yourself, dont let nobody tell you you cant do something. Fuck the haters, keep it coming!!!
Link to the "Loud Pack" mixtape:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hungry? Knowledge.....Twitter....Lmfao
Wanna learn more about twitter? Get with this dumb craze or leave it it will be over soon lol.
Hungry? Spotlight: MC Donalds getting mad love from skateboard P......
Make ya wanna start back eating at Mickey D's huh? Just to see who else might pop in, wonder did he forget his credit card at home and got Hungry? lol and had to settle for Mc Donalds cause he only had a few bucks on him?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hungry? Spotlight: Amazing Video
Hey, I didnt feel this new album, like I did all the rest but its okay. This video is slamming and makes you Hungry for a Vaction? ME too, lmfao. Enjoy, Chi-town stand up. Midwest World Order
Hungry? Baller status.....

The Motorola Aura has recently hit the stores. We absolutely love its circular display, together with a host of functions that have made us come over all peculiar. While it certainly doesn't come cheap at $2,000, you can never put a price on true superstar style (if you got it or hungry enough). The Aura's circular display is arguably its main design feature - boasting 16 million colours and a 300dpi resolution (no more blurred cameraphone images - hurrah!) - and slides out in one smooth motion using 130 strategically-placed ball bearings. The display isn't just scratch-resistant, either, but made from Grade 1 62-carat sapphire crystal (cue appropriately-placed oohs and aahs). Other design features include a sexy stainless steel casing and a precious PVD coating - the same coating used on luxury watches, for those who didn't know. The Aura is packed with technology, too, such as 2GB of internal memory and a 2-megapixel camera, but when a phone looks this good who can honestly say they give two hoots? Only losers will continue using their outdated BlackBerries and iPods. Out with the old and in with the new, we say.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Can you all forgive hungry?
Thanks for being a true Hungry? reader,
(Hungry? Why wait?)
P.S. Never stop reading and a few more short vactions for the blog will come up again during this process of transforming from blog to online mag.
Wall of Legends

This is the inside the mens bathroom of my favorite coffee house Fuel Cafe, hey if your in the area please check out the coffee or buy it online. Also great food, and all graff writers are welcome, plus the this is the place where all artist's hang. Please if your a writer, joinn the wall and make a name for your self.
Hungry Spotlight: The magic man....

97 Prototype 12 inch Rusty ps 01 Intelligence lp Intel Agents free download http:/// 02 Good Music 12 inch Intel Agents 03 invincible 12 inch Dana Coppafeel 03 Madison Goes Underground mixtape Break Bread 04 I-90 mixtape BreakBread & SplitEndz 06 MotherFucker KingHellBastard 07 Thinking Man's Music mixtape free download http:///KingHellBastard free download http:/// 09 Y'all Got excuses we Got Reason ep KingHellBastard free download 09 On The Strength DNA KingHellBastard here are two new videos
check'em it out http:///
Hungrymke?: Hey thanks for the interview, any shouts out?

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Midwest Connection...3/09
Midwest Connect SHowcase featuring Mikkey Halsted from Adebisi Agoro on Vimeo.
Sorry for the late post, just got video back. Please watch the start of something that will become one of the biggest monthly event in the Midwest, if not the US. Hey support the Midwest region, some great talent is cooking up here.
Hungry? Giveaway....Get on it, It's FREE...

Supra is once again giving away a Deathwish package but this time, instead of black and red, they changed the colorway to black and yellow. Included in this package is a pair of the Ellington sneakers, skate deck, hat and tee. All you have to do is go to the Supra website and answer three questions in the comments.
1. What is Erik’s most recent Deathwish graphic?
2. What skate magazine was Erik’s most recent cover and what trick was he doing?
3. How many stitches did Erik just get on his face?
Check it out here.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hungry? 101
Did you notice anything different? Of course you did. The Quarter, nickel, and dime are silver in color and they are facing “left” while the penny is “brown” in color and is facing right.
The reason being is Because when Abraham Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation it abolished slavery not because he liked black people. But because it was a political move where the south was gaining power, because of the money it was generating from slavery and the north was becoming weak because a black person is considered free once inside the northern vicinity. That is what the civil war was about. AMERICA was divided…
You see we live in a world where there are many secrets all around you from subliminal messages to sacred symbols that mean something to the “eye of the beholder”
STUDY sacred geometry, metaphysics, different religions, astral projection, mind telepathy, lucid dreaming etc… The powers that be are only POWER-FULL because you do not posses SPIRTUAL AWARENESS
The Human Body is just a vehicle that the SOUL uses as a means for transportation to navigate and go through different levels of LIFE. When the HUMAN body decomposes the SOUL or ENERGY FIELD will still be here as it can not be created or destroyed (1st law in THERMO DYNAMICS)
Do you want to EVOLVE to a HIGHER LEVEL and Unite with the CREATOR or do you want to STAY in the 12th grade and miss out on COLLEGE!!!
Life is deep, I promise you… I have seen some of the most spectacular things in my LIFE
Think about how no Human Being on this Planet has the same exact finger print… Now let that soak into your sub-conscious mind for a minute…
I’m Successful and don't make enough to buy a pair of sneakers lol but that is futile because at the end of the day I am no longer BLIND in this REALITY
Thank you for reading, but do not STOP reading…. Hungry?
Sorry, just had to post was on some research ish, lol. Hey please do your paper research as well, just like we did, Hungry? for information. Well dont be scared, just join get with the MWO,lol. Crazy and yall see why, Hungry? is always hungry for something, we love bring the truth. Hey that's why I guess, you love this blog.
Lets get this going, Midwest World Order!
Hungry? Spotlight: Jay Bape

Jay BAPE is the Flyest ASTROkid East of Japan…. Flew down via Planet ASTRO to Miami… ASTROkids is a movement … a lifestyle… and a group containing (Wreck Wregular and Bonez)
Hungry?: How did you create this big buzz and how have you been, so lucky to rub shoulders with about every big name in the music industry?
I just kno how to market myself….gotta love the internet… And I try to be everywhere that has something goin on… and the spaced out swag just gets respected when I see real people
Hungry?: Have you worked with any of those "Big League Artist's"?
I’ve worked with a few.. about to start working with a lot more… wanna make sure I do majority of the music with the hometeam 1st then reach out
Hungry?: We wanna ask three questions people wanna know..1 why do you have so many similarities of Pharell, 2, How do you afford all those expensive labels, fancy cars, jewlery and your not sign to any major, 3. (4 the ladies) Are you single?
1. Well that’s the big homie, one of the people I look up to in the game and it just so happens we look and do similar things lol
2. That’s all part of the grind to be an artist…. And doing these shows and getting paid helps out a lot
3. Today while this interview is going on at this exact hour I’d have to say no…..
Hungry?: We see you are a very fly dude, what are your top five favorite labels and/or give us five fashion tips.

ASTROkids….. BAPE …. BBC … The Hundreds … and Stussy is tied wit Play Cloths
Hungry?: What are you hungry for and why?
Success and buffalo wings lol … I’m in this game to try to be successful for my fam and my fellow ASTROkids… I’m using myself to open the gates… and Lemon Pepper wings are the best
Hungry?: Where do you see or hope your career heading towards in the next 5 years?
I should have 3 albums done… 1 or 2 group albums done…. ASTROkids cartoon on toon Disney… and an A&R position at one of these major labels
Hungry?: Jay last question for all the hungry viewer's reading this. What advice would you give someone seeking to get to your position in the game?
Get a sold movement.. get your team together and make sure they foucused… make hits for your fans… and get it out to the masses… make sure u got ur image together which best suits ur music and ur movement… if all fails copy me daily by goin to and and see how its done.
Run.. Run.. Can't keep running away...Lmao. Hungry? Classic
Man this track was so Phat lol. But all games aside, I rememeber messing with my older uncle when he used to listen to this and running away. Wow, I was 10 years old, my J-dilla was a beast on this track.
Hungry? Spotlight: The Cranberry Show

TCS: Basically "The Cranberry Show" or "TCS" is made up of one mc by the name of Young Focused who just happens to like to skate, and one skater by the name of Arcane who just happens to like to mc. And both of us came together for our love of everything dope. i.e music,clothes,hot chicks, sweet plastic watches, but mostly music. As for the craze I really don’t know what it’s all about cuz our music, but I think it stems from the fact that we just make music we like and people who are like us love it too. And it helps that we freakin rock shows!!!
Hungry?: Who and how was the name created?
YOUNG FOCUS: well we were chillin on the front room floor one day after we recorded our first single "Grind it out" which you can hear on our myspace by the way if you go to But we decided we were going to need a fresh name that describes us to a tee, and also describes what we wanna do in the music industry. So rog (Arcane) decided we needed to have "show" somewhere in our name cuz our lives are like a reality show cuz were always doing something extremely stupid or breaking something.
ARCANE: Then Charles (Young Focus) thought we should use the "cranberry" because cranberries flush out your system and we think of hip-hop as a system that we wanna flush out with good music. So it was a joint effort
Hungry?: Describe yourselves and the group persona?
YOUNG FOCUS: well me myself I’m actually like the livewire of the group which you can see if you check us out on youtube keyword "the cranberry show" cuz ill take any dare no matter how dumb it is, and I’m always the loud one entertaining everyone and saying dumb then I have this other side where I just chill but that side is usually when I have a lot on my mind or I’m like tired or some crap. I think our group persona would best be described as Supersonicdopealicious that’s a word I made up that combines everything cool,fresh,awsome,and dope in the

ARCANE: I’m the more laid back one, I’m the skater of the crew. But I also do a lot of the crazy stuff u hear about at our shows. Like jumping off speakers or climbing things. People usually say that I’m the gentlemen of tcs and focus is the man whore…lol
Hungry?: Hey you guys have a reputation for having some pretty live shows, tell us the wildest things that have happen and where?
YOUNG FOCUS: well the wildest thing for me would probably be when I did a frontwards flip off stage at this club called "quarters" on the east side of Milwaukee and the worst part is no one caught
ARCANE: Well it was about two weeks ago at a spot in Milwaukee called the Miramar theater. Someone was in the front row filming our show and we just happen to have water bottles that we emptied all over the crowd. They were like u guys wet and ruined a ten thousand dollar was like why the hell would you have a ten thousand dollar camera front row at a tcs show anyway?
Hungry?: You guys have a nice fan following,(of course your music but) please tell us why?
YOUNG FOCUS: well the ladies follow us cuz we're freakin hot guys and they all wanna do all in all I think we have so many fans because there’s so many people in the world that just wanna be fresh and party it up and that’s what we imbody, that part of you that just wants to get away and go to island 'leave me the fuck alone and let me listen to music get wasted". But we also have die hard hip-hop fans cuz if you listen to our tracks we have mad lyrical content in them. See our favorite mc's are Lupe Fiasco and Jay-z so what we have done is combine party and feel-good music with crazy lyrical content. And that hasn’t been done before.
ARCANE: People are attracted to us because we’re your “average joe”. We don’t try to be anything we’re not, and we make it cool to be yourself. Plus we’re wild and crazy so you never know what to expect
Hungry? Explain "TCS" hunger? How will it be filled?
YOUNG FOCUS: well my hunger is simply to make dope tracks till I leave this earth. I guess that will be filled when I
ARCANE: I agree with Focus our hunger is to just make dope music. You don’t hear us talk like we the best, or we want all the money in the world. I focus on making the best music possible and stay different, fresh and creative.
Hungry?: What does your city lack, what can "TCS" do to change it?
ARCANE: A lot of music sounds the same here. No disrespect, but no one from our city makes music like us so that’s how were changing it
YOUNG FOCUS: Yeah right now I think our city lacks versatility. everybody is doing the same thing. They rapping about drugs,guns,money, or girls shakin they're ass. And then you got the hip-hop heads all rhymin about how they hate the money,guns,and drugs rappers. You know a few people doin that is needed to keep the musical seesaw balanced, but not everyone can pull it off. It’s a lot of subjects to rhyme about and I think we need to find new ones and use some different styles. What were doing to change it is just being us because we’re different and kind of weird anyway
Hungry?: No, disrespect but you guys have no cd out or song with any major
artist's, but yall have the midwest scene buzzing, what's the secret?
YOUNG FOCUS: Man first off thanks for that compliment. but I think some of it has to do with our shows because we've had people tell us "man I couldn't hear anything yall said but yall had me hype" and the rest is that people see we're just ordinary slackers with a thirst for a good time,good music, and fresh kicks
ARCANE: YOUNG FOCUS!!! Lol..That guy is a genius hands down. A lot of the dopest ideas and creative ways of attacking songs start with him. Then I hear it and take it to mars! We work very well together because we’re so different but the same. And aside from the few cats from the chi no one in the Midwest is really making music like us. In the sense of the new wave of sound
Hungry?: What are some of "TCS" accomplishments, history in the game as a group or solo?
ARCANE: To me our biggest accomplishment is the fact that we are semi successful without having an album or any real music in the streets. Plus we never changed who we are to make it happen
Hungry?: When is the cd being released and the name, and who you all work with?
TCS: Well were still working on the release date, and we can’t reveal the name right now. But we have production from Milwaukee’s own 40 mil who is pretty much killing the city on the production tip right now. Also our homeboy Klassik who is the dopest up and coming producer in the just Milwaukee, the world. And last but definitely not least our brother of another color Kilgore Trout. He has the most far out beats you ever heard but they're super ill. We didn’t do any collabs because we just wanna show you us
Hungry?: Lastly, what is your favorite thing about your city?
ARCANE: The cheese, the skate scene and the women!! O yeah, and of course the love and support we get

Midwest Connection..................

Hey this is a must be event for all midwest music artist's, it's a great show every month, great talent, regional major's and underground artist's, networking event. All I have to say people in the Midwest say's, this is gone get big as "paid dues" concert series.
Midwest World Order! Big up's Blax Life!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Midwest King and Greatest Lryicist ever.....
The best EMCEE from the Midwest, sorry everyone it's true. Can't wait on the new album. Midwest World Order!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Brooklyn's ....Shinobi Ninja........
Have to say this is one of my favorite upcoming hardcore band's. Hey the video is just them being crazy, but the music is so dope.
Remember you found out about them hear first. Hungry?